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Arnold Kibira

Software Developer

who am i?


Ramana Maharshi once said, “The question, ‘who am I?’ is not really meant to get an answer, the question ‘who am I?’ is meant to dissolve the questioner.” So i will proceed to give an answer. Who I am, is a software developer who is believes Batman is the greatest hero in the multiverse. A full-stack web developer who passionate about building and breaking things for the internet. A perfectionist who works well with others and priorotizes shipping quality work. An exterminator for the web ,I hunt and fix bugs.


I take pride in developing responsive mobile-first technologies. I can do so and am proficient in the languages below

my projects.

COVID-19 Tracker

A react app that monitors the COVID-19 situation in the world. Giving update on the total number of infections, recoveries and deaths. Worldwide and by country.


A 3 product online shop using MERN stack, (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS). Mpesa and stripe have been linked for dummy payment.

Instagram Clone

An Instagram clone web application created using ReactJs for the frontend and Python-Django and Graphql for the backend.


If you like what you see, download my resume and checkout my bouncy github for more. Willing to reach out? Email me